Mr. N. Ram, a SAF trustee (second from right),
in a group discussion at the Asian College of Journalism (ACJ),
Chennai, India. Regional cooperation is promoted through a
programme in which SAF scholarships are annually given to a
young woman and a man from each South Asian country to
study together.
In keeping with its objective of promoting regional cooperation
through education, South Asia Foundation has instituted a large
number of scholarships for talented young students across South
Asia. Realising the presence of a vast, untapped pool of talent
in South Asia and the growing but unmet need for quality training
and education in the region, SAF is offering group scholarships
or gender-paired scholarships to two students each from eight South
Asian countries. The SAF-Madanjeet Singh group scholarships will
give students across South Asia an opportunity to train in a centre
of excellence in the region.
And, in an effort to make higher education accessible
to socially and economically disadvantaged students, SAF is offering
ten thousand individual scholarships annually to bright young people
across South Asia. This endeavour is directed at ensuring that in
the matter of higher education students from non-privileged backgrounds
are dictated by choice and not by economic and social necessity.
for Vocational Training of Assisted Nurse Midwives
10,000 SAF Madanjeet Scholarships
for Indian Students
Application form
Online SAF-Membership
District list as per UGC
Group Scholarship
Asian College of Journalisum-Chennai,India