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  Kingdom of Bhutan - Statistical Profile
Overview Key Facts Geography Economy Statistical Profile
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Life Expectancy at Birth 66 years ( male) 66.2 years ( female)
Infant Mortality Rate 60.5 per 1,000 population *
Crude Birth Rate 34.09 per 1000 population *
Crude Death Rate 8.64 per 1000 population *
Population Growth Rate 2.5 %*
Adult literacy 54 % **
Student Population 1,23,283 **
Non-formal Learners 9798 **
No. of Schools 397 schools and 292 community learning centres**
* Source: National Health Survey, 2000
**Source: Education Department, 2002
Trade and Finance
GDP Composition by sector ( year 2000 figures)
Agriculture 35.9%
Electricity and gas 11.6%
Construction 12.5 %
Transport, Storage and Communications 8.6 %
Finance, Industry and Real Estate 6.1 %
Others 25.3 %
India 4,691.23
Third Countries 276.75
India 5,845.28
Third Countries 1,989.58
Major exports to third countries
Vegetables and Fruits Nu.176.67 million or 63.84 %
Mineral Products Nu. 60.7 million or 21.93 %
Woodpulp Products Nu. 16.2 million or 5.85 %
Major imports from third countries
Machinery and mechanical appliances, base metals Nu.1,667.87million or 83.83%
Plastics and rubber products Nu. 70.26 million or 3.53%
Mineral oils and fuels Nu. 56.86m or 2.86%
Exports/ Imports: (1999 figures, Planning Ministry/Division of Rev & Customs)
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